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About Us

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The Beauty of Turkana

Turkana County

Turkana is the second largest County in Kenya covering 77,
It borders three countries - Uganda , South Sudan and Ethiopia.
It is home to the world’s largest permanent desert lake.
More importantly, the County is the known origin of mankind, (evidence - Turkana Boy Fossil - 1.6 m years ago).
There is a marked growth in Tourism evident by improved infrastructure (improved Road Network, new Hotels and Trade).
Turkana land is an awakening economic giant for beneath its surface lie huge oil deposits and other sources of clean renewable energy including wind power, solar, geothermal etc.
Lamu-South Sudan–Ethiopia Transport corridor (LAPSSET) passes through the county bringing forth opportunities for investment in Tourism and other related sectors.

Our Mission

To promote and facilitate a sustainable and vibrant environment for tourism, culture, heritage and protection of our diverse natural resources.

Our Vision

To be globally competitive in tourism, culture, heritage and natural resources preservation and protection.

Our Core Values

Team spirit, cooperation, and strategic partnerships.

Professional self-conduct.

Efficiency and effectiveness of operations.

Integrity, transparency and accountability.

Quality service delivery to all.

Innovation and creativity.

Proactive leadership.

Social Equity.

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